Monday, July 7, 2008

Profeessional Interview Tips

1. Overall appearance...
makes an immediately favorable impression
is inviting to read
is easy to read
looks professional
2. Contact information...
is clearly presented at the top.
includes address information; permanent and temporary
includes telephone number(s) where you can be reached day and night
3. Objective (optional; use if yours is specific)...
includes type and level of position sought
includes type and size of organization sought
emphasizes strongest qualifications and skills pertinent to desired job
4. Organization...
highlights strongest qualifications or credentials
uses headings to help establish common ground with employer
is brief - usually one page unless you have 5-10 years experience
5. Content...
demonstrates ability to do the job and speaks to employer's needs
supports and substantiates objective
stresses transferable professional skills, accomplishments, and results
contains only that personal data relevant to the job
omits racial, religious, or political affiliations
6. Education section includes...
most recent degree
list of other degrees or relevant training
name and location of university, college, or training institution
major, minor, and/or area(s) of concentration or interest
relevant coursework, skills, or knowledge
GPA, honors, and awards
percentage of educational expenses earned
7. Extracurricular activities section (optional) includes...
list of most impressive offices held, including title and organization
leadership roles and transferable skills
pertinent professional memberships
8. Experience section...
Each relevant paid, volunteer, extracurricular, intern, or co-op experience
dates position held
description of transferable skills, accomplishments, and effectiveness
specific examples of successes and results supporting your objective
examples that quantify results or successes
9. Language...
is expressed in succinct manner
uses action verbs to begin phrases
has short action-oriented phrases instead of complete sentences
is free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors
is in active rather than passive voice
uses vocabulary of the field for which you are applying
10. Layout and space utilization...
is crisp and clean
separates sections and incorporates enough blank space for easy reading
centers text with adequate margins
11. Highlighting and emphasis...
uses bold type, underlining, different type styles and sizes
is well balanced
12. Printing and reproduction...
paper is high quality; heavy weight bond
paper is off-white, ivory, light tan, light gray, or other conventional color
reproduction is clear, clean and professional
print is letter quality, never photocopied.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A really helpful tips indeed.. Thank you for this..
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